Machine Learning B (MLB)
Course content
The course is a continuation of Machine Learning A course and provides deeper theoretical foundations of machine learning and a number of advanced theoretically grounded learning techniques. A tentative list of topics includes:
- Basics in Optimization Theory
- Basic properties of functions: convexity, Lipschitzness, gradients, subgradients, etc.
- Constrained optimization and the method of Lagrange multipliers
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
- Convergence proof for SGD
- Alternating optimization methods
- Basics of Information Theory
- Entropy
- Relative entropy (the Kullback-Leibler divergence)
- The method of types
- kl inequality for concentration of measure
- Advanced techniques for analysing generalisation power of
learning algorithms
- Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) analysis
- VC analysis of SVMs
- VC lower bound
- PAC-Bayesian analysis
- PAC-Bayesian analysis of majority vote
- Bernstein-type concentration inequalities, with applications to analysis of learning algorithms
- Kernel Methods
- Kernels and RKHS
- SVMs
- Ensemble classifiers and weighted majority vote
- Boosting technique
- AdaBoost
- XGBoost
- Bayesian inference
- Basic concepts
- Difference between Bayesian and frequentist views
WARNING: If you have not taken DIKU's Machine Learning A course, please, carefully check the "Recommended Academic Qualifications" box below. Machine Learning courses given at other places do not necessarily prepare you well for this course, because DIKU's machine learning courses have a stronger theoretical component than average machine learning courses offered elsewhere. It is not advised taking the course if you do not meet the academic qualifications.
BSc Programme in Machine Learning and Data Science
MSc Programme in Actuarial Mathematics
MSc Programme in Mathematics-Economics
MSc Programme in Computer Science
MSc Programme in Computer Science (part time)
MSc Programme in Computer Science (with minor subject)
MSc Programme in Statistics
At course completion, the successful student will have:
Knowledge of
- advanced understanding of the concept of generalisation;
- advanced tools for analysis of generalisation power of machine learning algorithms;
- the mathematical foundations of selected advanced machine learning algorithms.
Skills in
- deriving advanced generalisation bounds for expected prediction quality;
- applying advanced linear and non-linear techniques for classification and regression;
- implementing selected advanced machine learning algorithms;
- visualising and evaluating results obtained with machine learning techniques;
- using software libraries for solving machine learning problems.
Competences in
- recognising and describing possible applications of machine learning;
- formalising and rigorously analysing machine learning problems;
- comparing, appraising and selecting machine learning methods for specific tasks;
- solving real-world data mining and pattern recognition problems by using machine learning techniques.
Weekly lectures, weekly home assignments, exercise classes
Will be published on Absalon.
It is assumed that the students have successfully passed Machine
Learning A course. Machine Learning courses given at other places
do not necessarily prepare you well for this course.
Please, check the self-preparation assignment at
The course requires strong mathematical skills and background
corresponding to what is achieved on the BSc. in Machine Learning
and Data Science. In particular:
1. Knowledge of Linear Algebra corresponding to Lineær algebra i
datalogi course (LinAlgDat)
2. Knowledge of Calculus corresponding to Introduktion til
matematik i naturvidenskab (MatintroNat) or Matematisk analyse og
sandsynlighedsteori i datalogi (MASD).
3.Knowledge of Probability Theory corresponding to
Sandsynligheds-regning og statistik (SS), Grundlæggende statistik
og sandsynlighedsregning (GSS) or Matematisk analyse og
sandsynlighedsteori i datalogi (MASD) and Modelling analysis of
data (MAD).
4.Knowledge of Discrete Mathematics corresponding to Diskret
matematik og formelle sprog (DMFS), Diskret Matematik of Algoritmer
(IDMA) or Diskret Matematik og algoritmer (DMA).
5. Knowledge of programming corresponding to Programmering og
problemløsning (PoP) and experience with programming in
The course is similar to NDAB21008U Machine Learning B (MLB). Students who have previously passed NDAB21008U Machine Learning B (MLB) are not allowed to sign up for this course."
- 7,5 ECTS
- Type of assessment
Continuous assessment
- Type of assessment details
- 6-8 weekly take-home assignments. The assignments must be
solved individually.
The course is based on weekly home assignments, which are graded continuously over the course of the semester. The final grade will be given as an overall assessment. - Aid
- All aids allowed
- Marking scale
- 7-point grading scale
- Censorship form
- External censorship
- Re-exam
The re-exam consists of two elements:
- The first element is handing in at least 5 of the course assignments no later than 2 weeks before the oral part of the re-exam. When resubmitting the assignments the same aids are allowed as for the ordinary exam.
- The second element is a 30-minute oral examination without preparation in the course curriculum, with no aids allowed.
The final grade will be an overall assessment of the two re-exam elements.
Criteria for exam assessment
See Learning Outcome.
Single subject courses (day)
- Category
- Hours
- Lectures
- 36
- Preparation
- 8
- Theory exercises
- 85
- Practical exercises
- 77
- English
- 206
- Language
- English
- Course number
- NDAK22001U
- 7,5 ECTS
- Programme level
- Full Degree Master
- Duration
1 block
- Placement
- Block 4
- Schedulegroup
CThis is a on-site course, but we support remote participation via online streaming and lecture recording.
- Capacity
- No limitation – unless you register in the late-registration period (BSc and MSc) or as a credit or single subject student.
- Studyboard
- Study Board of Mathematics and Computer Science
Contracting department
- Department of Computer Science
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Science
Course Coordinator
- Nirupam Gupta (4-76716f7d486c7136737d366c73)
Yevgeny Seldin, Amartya Sanyal & Nirupam Gupta
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Kursusinformation for indskrevne studerende