Identity and Identity Politics in the Middle East

Course content

This course covers the history of identity politics, identity formation and the manipulation of identity categories by domestic and foreign actors for political ends. It charts how identity categories – religion, sect, ethnicity, nationality – have evolved over time from the 19th century to the present. In addition to covering some of the most politically prominent identity-related conflicts and controversies, the course also seeks to shed light on often overlooked but no less relevant identity categories – for example, migrant workers, LGBTQ+ communities, and those resisting hegemonic identity discourses in the name of civic rights and civic identity. In doing so, the course also highlights the contestation surrounding concepts such as nationalism, civil rights and political community.   


Fagstudieordning Kandidatuddannelsen i Mellemøstens sprog og samfund 2019

Fagstudieordning Kandidattilvalg i Mellemøstens sprog og samfund 2019

Fagstudieordning Bachelortilvalg i Mellemøstens sprog og samfund 2019

Learning outcome

KA 2019-studieordning
Frit emne 1: (aktivitivetskode Arabisk: HARK03421E, Hebraisk: HHEK03421E, Persisk: HPEK03421E, Tyrkisk: HTRK03421E)

KA 2019-tilvalgsordning
Frit emne 2 (aktivitetskode: HMØK13001E)
Frit emne 3 (aktivitetskode: HMØK13011E)

BA 2019-tilvalgsordning
Særligt studeret emne (aktivitetskode HMØB10081E)

Exchange students BA level:
Subject Specialization (Activity code HMØB10081E)

Exchange students MA level:

Free Topic 2 - Middle Eastern Language and Society (Activity code HMØK13001E)

Kurset har karakter af seminar-form, som forudsætter høj grad af studenter-aktivitet. Der vil være forelæsninger, diskussioner af tekster og gruppearbejde.

Se Absalon

Peer feedback (Students give each other feedback)
Type of assessment
All aids allowed
Type of assessment
All aids allowed
Criteria for exam assessment

Academic targets

At the examination, the student can demonstrate:

Knowledge of 

a chosen topic with demonstrated knowledge its significance in a broader, academic context

Skills in

analyzing a chosen topic by applying one or more scientific method(s)

communicating academic materials and debates

Compencies in

positioning the chosen topic within a relevant theoretical framework and accounting for the methods applied on said topic.

delimiting a research question of relevance to the field and delivering an independent contribution towards understanding the chosen problem.



The student specifies 1,000-1,200 standard pages of secondary literature (reference works, monographs, or articles).

The syllabus lists must be approved by the examiner. See deadlines and rules for the submission of the syllabus to the Student Counselling Centre under Examination - Find time and place and Examination - Type of examination and rules - Syllabus.


Teaching and working methods

Preparation of a written assignment, either during the coursework offered or based on independent study with accompanying supervision.


Exam provisions

Form of exam: Take-home assignment, optional subject.

Scope: 16-20 standard pages.

Assessment: Internal exam with a single examiner with assessment based on the 7-point grading scale.

Regulations for group exams: The exam can only be taken individually.

Exam language(s): Danish or English.

Permitted exam aids: All.

Make-up exam/resit: Conducted in the same manner as the ordinary exam.

Special provisions: The topic is approved by the examiner.

Type of assessment
All aids allowed
Criteria for exam assessment

Academic targets

At the examination, the student can demonstrate:

Knowledge of:

significant issues within an academic topic.

a chosen topic, both in relation to a wider academic, Middle Eastern/regional context and in relation to the topic’s theoretical foundation on which existing knowledge is based.

Skills in

positioning the chosen topic within a relevant theoretical framework and accounting for the methods used in the field concerned and in the fields of practice typically associated with potential future professional involvement with the topic.

conducting a reflective, independent analysis of significant problems within an academic topic, with reference to research-based knowledge.

selecting and utilizing primary sources in translation in an academic context.

communicating research-based knowledge and academic discussions in a clear, well-documented manner in compliance with academic standards.

Competencies in

deploying academic knowledge in a regional Middle Eastern context, and in a manner that combines academic depth with an ability to identify points of contact with other disciplines or areas of study.

carrying out independent and critical analyses using interdisciplinary knowledge and critical reading of primary sources in translation.



The student specifies 1,500 pages (there is no requirement to include material in the language studied). The syllabus must be approved by the examiner. See deadlines and rules for the submission of the syllabus to the Student Counselling Centre under Examination - Find time and place and Examination - Type of examination and rules - Syllabus.


For courses with a language description:

Students submit a syllabus of 1,000 standard pages of scientific monographs and articles, and 30 standard pages in the language studied. The syllabus must be approved by the examiner. See deadlines and rules for the submission of the syllabus to the Student Counselling Centre under Examination - Find time and place and Examination - Exam form and rules - Syllabus.


Teaching and working methods

Class instruction or supervision.


Exam provisions

Form of exam: Take-home assignment, optional subject.

Scope: 16-20 standard pages.

Assessment: Internal exam with a single examiner with assessment based on the 7-point grading scale.

Regulations for group exams: The exam can only be taken individually.

Exam language(s): Danish or English.

Permitted exam aids: All.

Make-up exam/resit: Conducted in the same manner as the ordinary exam.


Single subject courses (day)

  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 56
  • Preparation
  • 317,5
  • Guidance
  • 2
  • Exam
  • 37
  • English
  • 412,5


Course number
See exam description
Programme level
Full Degree Master
Bachelor choice
Full Degree Master choice

1 semester


Dette er et dagkursus via tompladsordningen mod betaling på Åbent Universitet. Tilmeld dig og se aktuel prisoversigt på denne side.

See link below
Study Board of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
Contracting department
  • Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
Contracting faculty
  • Faculty of Humanities
Course Coordinator
  • Fanar Haddad   (12-6b66736677336d6669696669456d7a7233707a336970)

Fanar Haddad,, Liora Sion , Jihan Zakkariya,

Saved on the 30-01-2025

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