Valgfag: Det Nye Testamentes Eksegese: Digitale værktøjer til studiet af den antikke verden


The course is taught in English.


This course aims to offer students a broad introduction and critical review of recent trends in the field of Digital Humanities, with particular attention paid to applications relevant for the study of premodern societies (History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Theology, Museum Studies, inter alia). The course will be divided into four broad themes – text, image, place, and object – exposing students to an extensive interdisciplinary range of evidence that will both sit within their fields of study and encourage them to create connections with parallel avenues of scholarship. Following these themes, students will gain familiarity with cutting edge tools, successful research projects, and recent scholarship that have leveraged digital advances to fundamentally reshape our understanding of the past. Simultaneously, the class will engage with more complex topics concerning the ethical and methodological implications of the “Digital Turn” in humanistic studies and its implication for more traditional modes of enquiry. As a whole, this course will prepare students in Theology to both more substantively engage with digital methodologies and their potential for novel research in religious studies, broadly defined.


During the course, students will gain hands on experience developing fundamental skills in digital humanistic scholarship, developing a “Digital Toolbox” that will allow them to both undertake digital scholarship in their own studies and to critically engage with ongoing trends and projects relevant to their own research. These tools include, but are not limited to, introductions to GIS, database development, 3D modeling, text encoding, large language models, network modeling, and semantic modeling. Special attention will be paid to ongoing research at UCPH, highlighting the fundamental skills and research objectives of the diverse research programmes taking place throughout the university. The Faculty of Theology, in particular, hosts several compelling case studies for the development and implementation of digital humanities and students will be offered a behind-the-scenes look at these methods in action.


Students will be encouraged to develop a project that is somehow related to their own research that either sets the scene for a substantial, digitally driven mode of analysis or one that offers a parallel supportive wing for ongoing scholarship. Students will work directly with the instructor to develop these projects based on the themes and tools introduced during the course and will be assessed based on a small research proposal that situates their project within their field of study more broadly, as well as the successful design, development, and implementation of the project.

Engelsk titel

Digital Tools for Studying the Ancient World



Bachelorstuderende tilmeldes: TTEANTVBAU

Kandidatstuderende tilmeldes: TTEAVFNT3U



I overensstemmelse med Studieordningen tilstræbes det, at den studerende opnår følgende kvalifikationer:

  • avanceret og specialiseret viden om udvalgte emner,
  • evne til selvstændig, kritisk analyse og diskussion af de spørgsmål, der relaterer sig til de valgte emner,
  • evne til at udvælge og anvende relevant litteratur og
  • evne til både enkel og problembevidst formidling af et fagligt indhold.


Disse mål kan realiseres gennem den studerendes aktive deltagelse i kurset. Ud over tilstedeværelsen i mindst 75% af afholdte timer (dokumenteret ved protokol) forventes det af de studerende, at de undervejs bidrager til kursusforløbet med to fremlæggelser med værkanalyser: i.) en analyse af et værks Paulusbillede samt ii.) en drøftelse af den politiske eller filosofiske brug af værket; hver på 15 minutter (svarende til 5 x 2400 anslag). Fremlæggelserne vil typisk danne grundlag for kursets to obligatoriske opgaver. Kurset følger bestemmelser for valgfag i Studieordningen 2020.

En kombination af hjemmearbejde, fælles gennemgang af tekster, korte forelæsninger, diskussion, mundtlig fremlæggelse og skriftlige hjemmeopgaver (med individuel og kollektiv feedback)

Sample bibliography:


Arvanitis, K., & Zuanni, C. (2021). Digital (and) Materiality in Museums. Museum and Society, 19(2), 143-148.

Brennan, C. (2018). Digital humanities, digital methods, digital history, and digital outputs: History writing and the digital revolution. History Compass, 16(10), e12492.

Brughmans, T. (2013). Thinking through networks: a review of formal network methods in archaeology. Journal of archaeological method and theory, 20, 623-662.

Cantwell, C. D., & Petersen, K. (Eds.). (2021). Digital humanities and research methods in religious studies: an introduction. Leiden: de Gruyter.

Colley S. 2015. Ethics and digital heritage. In The Ethics of Cultural Heritage, ed. T Ireland, J Schofield, pp. 13–32. New York: Springer N. Y.

Clivaz, C., & Allen, G. V. (2019). The Digital Humanities in Biblical Studies and Theology. Open Theology, 5(1), 461-465. 

Honig, E. A., Niemeier, D., Cloke, C. F., & Gregory, Q. (2020). Thinking Through Data in the Humanities and in Engineering.  Journal of Interactivey Technology and Pedagogy, 18.

Marchant, J. (2024). First passages of rolled-up Herculaneum scroll revealed. Nature, 626, 461-462.

Matsumoto, M. E. (2022). Archaeology and Epigraphy in the Digital Era. Journal of Archaeological Research, 30(2), 285-320.

Morgan, C. (2022). Current digital archaeology. Annual Review of Anthropology, 51, 213-231.

Naaijer, M., Søgaard, A., & Ehrensvärd, M. G. (2022). New Technology in an Ancient World: Using Artificial Intelligence to Study Ancient Hebrew Texts. The Bible and Interpretation.

  • Scheidel, W. (2014). The shape of the Roman world: modelling imperial connectivity. Journal of Roman Archaeology, 27, 7-32.

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Enkeltfag dagtimer (tompladsordning)

  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Holdundervisning
  • 28
  • Forberedelse (anslået)
  • 122
  • Eksamensforberedelse
  • 150
  • Eksamen
  • 120
  • Total
  • 420


Bachelor tilvalg
Kandidat tilvalg

1 semester


Deltagergebyret er på: 3.750 kr. for et 7,5 ECTS kursus og 7.500 kr. for et 15 ECTS kursus.

Første undervisningsgang i uge 36.
Studienævnet for Teologi
Udbydende institut
  • Teologi
Udbydende fakultet
  • Det Teologiske Fakultet
  • Evan Isak Levine   (3-6b7c72467a6b757234717b346a71)

Evan Levine

Gemt den 12-02-2025

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