Summer Course in International Health

Course content

This course prepares medical students and health professionals to participate in health provision in developing countries.

The course provides a basic understanding of the health problems facing developing countries and the challenges these provide for the health systems. The topics of the course include tropical medicine, health promotion, disease prevention, sexual and reproductive health, social and cultural aspects of health, child health, communicable and non-communicable diseases, health related to water and sanitation and health in emergencies.

Emphasis is on the biomedical and clinical aspects of the diseases facing people in developing countries. The most important diseases will be discussed in more detail with emphasis on clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. The conditions includes diabetes and other non-communicable diseases, malnutrition, malaria and other febrile diseases, tuberculosis, filariasis, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, intestinal worms, diarrheal diseases, leprosy, mental diseases, sexual transmitted diseases, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, eye-diseases, skin-diseases and snake bites. Introductions to child health and reproductive health programs are also provided.

The socio-economic context and cultural aspects of health provision in resource poor societies and the changing disease patterns in developing countries are also discussed. The health problems relating to urbanization is examined as well as the provision of health in emergencies.


Master of Science in Medicine - compulsory

Learning outcome

At the end of the course the students are expected to know the following:

As medical expert, as collaborator, as scholar, as health advocate or as a professional


  • Demonstrate a broad understanding of the disease conditions affecting resource poor societies.
  • Explain the global transition in disease burdens and its determinants.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of health provision in resource poor societies and its actors.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of health challenges during disasters and provision of health during such circumstances
  • Describe major health issues in developing countries such as specific diseases as well as influences due to the socio-cultural context.


  • Assist in providing health services in resource poor societies
  • Analyze the dilemmas of priority setting in international health
  • Reflect upon the role of key global health stakeholders in shaping policies and programs targeting international health challenges.
  • Provide or plan health services at hospitals and health centers in developing countries.


  • Manage provision of basic health care in resource poor societies.
  • Engage in advocacy, communication, and networking
  • Evaluate practice in hospitals and health centers in developing countries and reflect on how to ensure to avoid harm and participate in developing best practices.

The course is taught by engaged lecturers representing a range of institutions such as University of Copenhagen, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, WHO, UNFPA, UNHCR, Red Cross and MSF. All teachers have practical experience within the field of international health. Most teaching is delivered as lectures, but teaching is also provided for smaller groups and as group work. Laboratory exercise in diagnoses of parasitic diseases.

A course binder with articles and other course material is provided at the start of course. Upon acceptance a book package of 2-4 books on international health and tropical medicine will be recommended to the students.

Course certificate in Clinical Course in Internal Medicine
Course certificate in Clinical Course in Surgery

Applicants, who are not students of a Master of Science in Medicine, should have completed their education, which as a minimum should include a BSc in the respective subjects including mid-level training of a minimum of three years.

The teaching will be held in English.

Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Type of assessment
Requirement to attend classes
Type of assessment details
Course cetificate is achieved on the basis of approved course participation.
Marking scale
passed/not passed
Censorship form
No external censorship
One internal assessor
Criteria for exam assessment

To obtain the assessment passed and thereby course certificate the student must demonstrate the following abilities at a sufficient level:

As medical expert, as collaborator, as scholar, as health advocate or as a professional


  • Describe major health issues in developing countries such as specific diseases as well as influences due to the socio-cultural context.


  • Provide or plan health services at hospitals and health centers in developing countries.


  • Evaluate practice in hospitals and health centers in developing countries and reflect on how to ensure to avoid harm and participate in developing best practices.


Short courses / Summer school

  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 75
  • Class Instruction
  • 14
  • Preparation
  • 43
  • Laboratory
  • 3
  • English
  • 135


Course number
Programme level
Full Degree Master

1 semester

Three weeks
The course is held in August.


The Study Board for Medicine and Health Science
Contracting department
  • Department of Immunology and Microbiology
Contracting faculty
  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Course Coordinators
  • Thor Grundtvig Theander   (4-857980835184867f753f7c863f757c)
  • Christian William Wang   (5-75897380795285878076407d8740767d)
For practical questions regarding course coordination, please contact
Saved on the 31-05-2024

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