
Course content

The purpose of the course is to allow the students to gain knowledge of the assignments and conditions at workplaces relevant to the MSc in Global Health, and to give them the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge on global health in practice.
The student must design a protocol and plan for the internship, which must be accepted by the faculty supervisor as well as the company/organization/institution and/or local authority that will host the intern.

Further information are available in KUnet.


MSc programme in Global Health - elective element

Learning outcome

On completion of the course, students should be able to:

Skills and competencies:

  • Critically discuss and evaluate projects, programs, policies and other interventions or issues in relation to global health.
  • Describe the assignments and conditions encountered during the internship and reflect on their internship experience, utilizing the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired during the programme.

No formal lectures.
Students will draw on the learning methods they have acquired in previous courses and practical work, but at this stage integrated and applied on concrete working situations with companies/​organizations/​institutions and/or local authorities.

- Passed exams for mandatory courses equal to at least 30 ECTS.
- An internship contract signed by all relevant parties: A written agreement between the student, the faculty supervisor and the host company/​organization/​institution and/or local authority, where the internship is to take place.

Type of assessment
Written assignment
Type of assessment details
Maximum number of pages for the internship report:
10 ECTS = 10 pages (2,400 keystrokes per page).

Number of hours for supervision including supervisor’s preparation time:
10 ECTS = 4 hours.

The 10-page limit excludes the front page, table of contents and reference list.
The reference list must include a minimum of 20 references (scientific and other relevant literature).

In principle the same texts may not be submitted for more than one examination e.g. internship and thesis. However, there may be exemptions, as in the case of fundamental theoretical texts or when texts and data are used in different ways. If uncertainties arise, the head of study will determine whether using the same texts for more than one exam is acceptable.

The internship report to be completed following the internship should include:

- A description of the type of work/project carried out during the internship.

- An explanation and discussion of the main skills, knowledge and competencies within global health applied by the student during the internship.

- An application of theoretical knowledge on global health in practice. The student must critically discuss and evaluate projects, programs, policies, interventions and/or other issues, as experienced during the internship, in relation to global health.

- Perspectives on the internship experience in relation to future career and practice - including research.

Appendices may be attached in special cases, such as important documents produced by the student during the internship.
Exam registration requirements

Passed exams for mandatory courses equal to at least 30 ECTS.

All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Two internal examiners
Exam period

See the exam schedule


See the exam schedule

Criteria for exam assessment

To achieve the maximum grade of 12, the student must be able to:


  • Describe the type of work/project carried out during the internship.

Skills and competencies:

  • Explain and discuss the knowledge, skills and competencies within global health that the student used in connection with the internship.
  • Apply theoretical knowledge on global health in practice. Critically discuss and evaluate projects, programs, policies, interventions and/or other issues in relation to global health.
  • Draw perspectives of internship experience for future career and practice, including for research.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Practical Training
  • 243
  • Guidance
  • 4
  • Exam
  • 28
  • English
  • 275


Course number
Programme level
Full Degree Master
A minimum of 275 working hours
Block 1, Block 2, Block 3 And Block 4
No class teachings. Project Work according to signed contract.
40 students. This course is not available for credit transfer students and other external students.
The Study Board for Public Health Science and Global Health
Contracting department
  • Department of Public Health
Contracting faculty
  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Course Coordinator
  • Karin Linda Schiøler   (4-7078686d45787a736933707a336970)
Saved on the 04-04-2024

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