Biopharmaceuticals: Formulation of Peptides and Proteins
Course content
The programme module deals with pharmaceutical issues concerning
the formulation of drugs based on peptides and proteins. Students
will also gain insight into analytical and production problems as
well as the regulatory aspects of registering biotechnological
The following topics will be dealt with:
A general introduction to the production methods used to produce peptides by synthesis.
Methods for optimizing the chemical and physical stability of peptides and proteins, including an introduction to the analytical methods used for chemical and physical-chemical characterization of these types of drugs.
There will be emphasis on formulation of solutions and freeze-dried preparations, and the pharmaceutical formulation aspects of developing vaccines and alternative administration methods are also included. Unwanted immunogenicity and pharmacokinetics of protein drugs will be discussed.
The development of peptide and protein analogues will be covered.
There will be general description of the documentation necessary for the pharmaceutical-chemical part of a registration application, with focus on the special conditions relevant to biotechnological products.
For project work, students in groups of four to five will draft a development plan for a protein drug from production of the drug (the protein) to registration, with the main focus on (pre-)formulation work. Thus, the project work will include all of the aspects discussed during the course, and must form the subject of a written report to be presented orally.
MSc Programme in Medicinal Chemistry - elective
MSc Programme in Pharmacy (Danish programme cand.pharm) - elective
MSc Programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Danish programme cand.scient.pharm) - restricted elective
MSc Programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences (English programme) - restricted elective
With focus on (pre-)formulation, the course describes the development of peptide- and protein-based drugs from production.
At the end of the course, students are expected to:
- explain and discuss the principles of formulation for peptides and proteins
- explain and identify important degradation pathways of peptides and proteins
- explain and identify the most important methods for characterizing drugs based on peptides and proteins
- outline the options for the formulation of peptides and proteins
- discuss and elaborate on the scientific literature in the field of peptide/protein formulation
• make a development plan for a peptide or protein formulation
Lectures: 34 hours
Project work: 34 hours
Seminars: 8 hours
- Pharmaceutical formulation development of peptides and proteins, 2nd ed. S. Frokjaer, L. Hovgaard, and Marco van de Weert, 2012, Taylor & Francis
- Selected articles and hand-outs available on the course homepage
A basic understanding of protein structure, organic chemistry, microbiology, thermodynamics (physical chemistry), and analytical chemistry adequate to a bachelor in pharmacy.
Open for credit transfer students and other external students. Apply here:
Credit transfer students:
Credit transfer student at SUND – University of Copenhagen
Other external students:
Credit transfer and other external students are welcomed on the course if there are seats available and they have the academic qualifications.
- 7,5 ECTS
- Type of assessment
Requirement to attend classesWritten assignment
- Type of assessment details
- Course certificate:
Report and presentation of project work. Students are expected to actively participate in the learning process, that is, in the lectures and in group work (literature searches, discussions within the group, writing, presenting and defending the report). The students must also participate in all group presentations. Active participation in the lectures will be followed up by asking the students to submit at least two relevant questions for each lecture topic before the start of these lectures.
Active participation requires a signed declaration in the report of all group members that all group members actively participated. The report must follow the guidelines laid out in the description of the group work. All group members must act as opponents to one other group.
Students with insufficient contribution to the group work or insufficient active participation in the lectures may be given extra assignments, such as written evaluation of the report of other groups or short summaries of lecture notes and/or book chapters on specific topics. - Marking scale
- passed/not passed
- Censorship form
- No external censorship
Criteria for exam assessment
To pass the course the student must be able to:
- explain and discuss the principles of formulation for peptides and proteins
- explain and identify important degradation pathways of peptides and proteins
- explain and identify the most important methods for characterizing drugs based on peptides and proteins
- outline the options for the formulation of peptides and proteins
- discuss and elaborate on the scientific literature in the field of peptide/protein formulation
- make a development plan for a peptide or protein formulation
Single subject courses (day)
- Category
- Hours
- Lectures
- 34
- Preparation
- 130
- Project work
- 34
- Seminar
- 8
- English
- 206
- Language
- English
- Course number
- SFAK20004U
- 7,5 ECTS
- Programme level
- Full Degree Master
Full Degree Master choice
- Duration
1 block
- Placement
- Block 1
- Schedulegroup
- Capacity
- 40 students
- Studyboard
- Study Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Contracting department
- Department of Pharmacy
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Course Coordinator
- Marco van de Weert (16-7165766773327a657268697b696976784477797268326f7932686f)
Marco van de Weert, Vito Foderà, Hanne Mørck Nielsen, Camilla Foged, Kasper Dyrberg Rand, Holger Grohganz, and various industrial lecturers
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