Translational Discovery Omics III - Metabolomics, Model Systems, and Precision Medicine

Course content

The aim of the course is to provide the participants with:

i) an overview of the theory and application of metabolomics,

ii) a basic understanding of gut virome and bacterial microbiome research,

iii) examples of model systems to elucidate disease mechanisms, and

iiii) understanding of precision medicine and its clinical applicability.


The main themes covered in the course include:

  • Metabolomics
  • Gut virome and bacterial microbiome in health and disease
  • Model systems and other translational tools
  • Genetic variation, epigenetics, and omics techniques in precision medicine

BRIDGE - Translational Excellence Programme

Learning outcome

Upon completing the course, participants should be able to:



  • Demonstrate an understanding of metabolomics as a tool in health research. Have a basic understanding of the potentials of model systems.
  • Show comprehension of the principles of human gut virome and bacterial microbiome research.
  • Have an awareness of strengths and limitations of precision medicine across different data types.


  • Critically evaluate results from studies of omics techniques dealt with in the course.
  • Design an appropriate omics-based study of human diseases.



Understand the central aspects of translational omics and be able to discuss and communicate these to other scientists, clinicians, and the public.

The course is organized with a mix of scientific seminars by invited speakers, including technical lectures about modern technologies, and participant-led activities. In addition, the course will include group work, case studies, and practical exercises.

The course will end with an evaluation where participants must reflect on course learning outcomes and give feedback for course development.

Course literature will be published on Absalon.

Participants must meet the admission criteria of the BRIDGE - Translational Excellence Programme (Fellowship or BRIDGE Omics Programme).

Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Type of assessment
Continuous assessment
Requirement to attend classes
Type of assessment details
Attendance and active participation.
Exam registration requirements

Participants are automatically registered for the examination upon admission to the BRIDGE - Translational Excellence Programme (Fellowship or BRIDGE Omics Programme).

All aids allowed
Marking scale
passed/not passed
Censorship form
No external censorship
Criteria for exam assessment

Active contribution and course participation according to the BRIDGE Guidelines and Practicalities.

Part time Master and Diploma courses

  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 17
  • Class Instruction
  • 2
  • Preparation
  • 3
  • Theory exercises
  • 2
  • English
  • 24


Course number
Programme level
Part Time Master
See course dates and course programme in Absalon.
20 participants
Study Board for the Professionel Master´s Degree Programmes at The Faculty og Health and Medical Science
Contracting department
  • The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research
Contracting faculty
  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Course Coordinators
  • Mette Andersen Lepola   (13-4f6776766763706667747567704275777066306d7730666d)
  • Tuomas Oskari Kilpeläinen   (18-777872706476316e6c6f73686f646c7168714376787167316e7831676e)
  • Laura Maarit Pikkupeura   (16-6f6478756431736c6e6e7873687875644376787167316e7831676e)
Saved on the 29-04-2024

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