Project in Practice - main supervisor from the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports 15 or 30 ECTS

Course content

The rules and regulations for Project in Practise can be found in the shared section of the curricula, appendix four.


For more information about project in practise go to your study programme website at KUnet > Choose the relevant study programme > Master's thesis and other projects > Project in Practise. 

The rules and regulations for project in practise can be found in the shared section of the curricula, appendix four.

Learning outcome

The rules and regulations for Project in Practise can be found in the shared section of the curricula, appendix four.

The rules and regulations for Project in Practise can be found in the shared section of the curricula, appendix four:

The student and supervisor jointly prepare a relevant syllabus.

Academic qualifications equivalent to a BSc degree is recommended.

A Project in Practice at MSc level may have the following sizes and workloads
• 15 ECTS credits, corresponding to a workload for the student of 412 hours
• 30 ECTS credits, corresponding to a workload for the student of 824 hours

The workloads and scopes permitted will be stated in the programme-specific curriculum for the study programme in question.

The contract for the Project in Practice must state how these hours are distributed between time at the company, supervision, writing the assignment and preparation.

Not relevant
Type of assessment
Written assignment
Oral examination, 30-60 min
Type of assessment details
A Project in Practice at MSc level may have the following sizes and workloads
• 15 ECTS credits, corresponding to a workload for the student of 412 hours
• 30 ECTS credits, corresponding to a workload for the student of 824 hours

The workloads and scopes permitted will be stated in the programme-specific curriculum for the study programme in question.
The contract for the project in practice must state how these hours are distributed between time at the company, supervision, writing the assignment and preparation.

Students taking MSc programmes taught in English must write in English.

Students taking MSc programmes taught in Danish may write in Danish or English. The contract for the Project in Practice must state which language has been chosen.
All aids allowed
Marking scale
passed/not passed
Censorship form
No external censorship
Several internal examiners.

For degree programmes where the project is graded according to the 7-point grading scale, this is stated in the programme-specific curriculum.

The rules and regulations for Project in Practise can be found in the shared section of the curricula, appendix four.

Criteria for exam assessment

The rules and regulations for Project in Practise can be found in the shared section of the curricula, appendix four.

  • Category
  • Hours
  • Project work
  • 412
  • English
  • 412


Course number
Programme level
Full Degree Master
This depends on the the number of ECTS credits and the placement of the project.
Block 1, Block 2, Block 3, Block 4 And Summer
The student decides the placement of the Project in Practise in consultation with the supervisor.
No limit
The number of seats may be reduced in the late registration period
SCIENCE Education
Contracting department
  • Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports
Contracting faculty
  • Faculty of Science
Course Coordinator
  • Lasse Gliemann   (8-7176736f776b78784a786f827d38757f386e75)
Saved on the 21-02-2024

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