Lifecourse Nutrition and Health

Course content

In this course we focus on nutritional requirements during specific stages of the lifecourse and the role of optimal nutrition for health including growth, development, maintenance and disease prevention. The specific life stages include pregnancy and fetal life; infancy and toddlerhood; childhood and adolescence; and old age. The course addresses the nutritional requirements in relation to the physiological changes during each of these stages with particular focus on under- and overnutrition and selected nutrition-related diseases and functions as well as sustainable diets. We will also address life stage specific tools and guidelines for assessing nutritional status. The course consists of lectures, theoretical exercises, quizzes and group work with report writing and peer feedback on a specific nutrition topic related to one of the life stages.


MSc Programme in Human Nutrition

Learning outcome


  • Describe basic physiological changes during pregnancy and fetal life; infancy and toddlerhood; childhood and adolescence; and old age.
  • Describe relations between nutrition, growth, development and health in these specific life stages.


  • Explain the physiological rationale for nutritional requirements, dietary reference values and guidelines in the specific life stages.
  • Describe and explain methods to evaluate nutritional status and growth during specific life stages.
  • Explain the relation between nutrition and overweight, underweight, brain function and other nutrition related issues in specific life stages.



  • Critically choose and apply relevant methods for assessment of growth and nutritional status in specific life stages.
  • Discuss relations between nutrition and health including growth, development, maintenance and disease prevention in specific life stages.

Lectures, theoretical exercises and group work.

Course literature will be announced at study start on the course’s Absalon page.

Participants are expected to have knowledge of basic human nutrition before signing up for this course. Academic qualifications equivalent to a BSc degree is recommended.

Continuous feedback during the course of the semester

Quizzes with feedback on correct answers

Peer feedback at an opponent’s seminar.

7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Oral examination, 20 minutes
Type of assessment details
Questions relating to the learning outcomes of the course.
Exam registration requirements

Active participation in the opponent’s seminar. Approved group report.

Without aids
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Several internal examiners

Same as ordinary exam.

The registration requirement must be fulfilled no later than 3 weeks before the re-examination.

If the student has been active at an opponent seminar without submission and approval of a group report, a new individual report must be submitted and approved 3 weeks before re-examination.

If the student has not participated in the opponent's seminar during the course, the student must submit a written feedback to another group's report 3 weeks before re-examination.

Criteria for exam assessment

Please see ”Learning Outcome”

Single subject courses (day)

  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 32
  • Preparation
  • 91
  • Theory exercises
  • 32
  • Project work
  • 50
  • Exam
  • 1
  • English
  • 206


Course number
7,5 ECTS
Programme level
Full Degree Master

1 block

Block 2
No limitation – unless you register in the late-registration period (BSc and MSc) or as a credit or single subject student.
Study Board of Food, Human Nutrition and Sports
Contracting department
  • Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports
Contracting faculty
  • Faculty of Science
Course Coordinators
  • Camilla Trab Damsgaard   (3-6576664270677a75306d7730666d)
  • Inge Tetens   (3-6b76674270677a75306d7730666d)
Saved on the 20-02-2024

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