Reactions and Synthesis in Medicinal Chemistry (KemiMed)

Course content

The topics are: C-alkylation; Formation and reactions of enolates; Stereospecific aldol-additions; Chiral auxilaries; Functional groups and molecular carbon framework; Movement of electrons in chemical reactions; Functional group transformations, including reductions and oxidations; Mitsunobu and related reactions; Alfa nucleophiles;  Understanding migration, rearrangement and fragmentation reactions; Radical reactions; Reactions involving carbenes and nitrenes; Reactions of boranes and stananes; Electrophiles from electronegative atoms; The influence of the electronegativity of atoms on chemical bonds and their stability; Pericyclic reactions; Click-chemistry;Transition-metal catalyzed reactions including a variety of cross-coupling reactions; Electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution  reactions; Charge dissipation and resonance; Framework reductions and oxidation reactions; Understanding of chemistry in 3D, assisted by MM2 of the Chem3D software available at KU for students; Expecting the unexpected; Case stories from the medicinal industry: Using advanced organic chemistry in synthesis of natural and medicinal products.


MSc Programme in Chemistry
MSc Programme in Chemistry with a minor subject
MSc Programme in Medicinal Chemistry

Learning outcome


Be able to analyze a complex synthetic problem and plan a feasible synthesis.
Be able to describe the precise movement of electrons in chemical reactions and understand the influence of the third dimension in chemical transformations. Be able to analyze scientific papers dealing with synthetic problems and spot inconsistencies. Be able to present the different topics of the course in an organized and scientific manner.

Apply the aquired organic chemistry knowledge to the synthesis of a given target molecule. Mastering digital visualization of chemical transformations. Be able to transpose known chemistry to new synthesis problems using knowledge of probable electron migrations in bond formation, rearrangements and fragmentations

Following the course an in depth knowledge of modern organic synthesis in 3-dimensions according to the above content of the course will be achieved.


Lectures, problem solving in class and oral exam

Will be announced on Absalon.

Basic competencies physical chemistry, quantum chemistry, inorganic chemistry are necessary and intermediate competencies in organic chemistry and organic synthesis  are necessary (equivalent to KemiOrg and (Vid)OrgSyn).

Academic qualifications equivalent to a BSc degree is recommended.

It is strongly recommended to participate in all teaching activities.

Type of assessment
Oral examination, 30 minutes
Type of assessment details
Ingen forberedelsestid. The student presents 1 of 20 topics, which are made available to the students in the fifth week of the block. After the presentation the student is asked specific and general questions in the topic and related material.
Only certain aids allowed

A short powerpoint, pdf or similar file with a summary for each of the examination topics for presentation of the topic selected by the student.

A personal laptop with HMDI connection may be used for the presentation 

Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Several internal examiners

The reexamination is a 30 minutes oral exam based on a set of questions related to the textbook, where the student picks one at random.

The questions will be made public on the course homepage three weeks before the reexam.




Criteria for exam assessment

See Learning Outcome


Single subject courses (day)

  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 28
  • Preparation
  • 290
  • Theory exercises
  • 70
  • Exam
  • 24
  • English
  • 412


Course number
Programme level
Full Degree Master

2 blocks

Block 1 And Block 2
No limitation – unless you register in the late-registration period (BSc and MSc) or as a credit or single subject student.
Study Board of Physics, Chemistry and Nanoscience
Contracting department
  • Department of Chemistry
Contracting faculty
  • Faculty of Science
Course Coordinator
  • Morten Peter Meldal   (6-756d746c6974486b706d7536737d366c73)
Saved on the 21-02-2024

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