Design by Management
Course content
Studio course where theories, concepts and methods from silviculture and landscape architecture are combined in exercises and project work that explores the dynamic of woody vegetation and how this can inform design and management of urban woodlands and green spaces.
Part 1
- Stand establishment and tending including soil classification and species choice, growth of individual trees and woodlands.
- Woodland, their structures and dynamics as affected by silviculture
- Urban woodlands and silviculture - interactions of management and purpose.
- Forest Development types as a planning tool
- Project focusing on problems and potentials for designing urban woodlands landscape and stands through active and creative management
Part 2
Stands of trees and shrubs in other urban green spaces such as parks, historical gardens, and infrastructure landscapes.
- Original design intensions,
- Small scale interventions as management tool,
- Dynamic design strategies.
- Portraying dynamic vegetation design
- Project focusing on the links between design and management in
realizing objectives for trees and shrubs in peri-urban
MSc Programme in Landscape Architecture
Understand growth dynamics and interaction of trees and other woody
species in relation to design and management decisions and how
this relates to natural processes, site conditions and
To integrate design and management in a time perspective to
accomplish desired functional, aesthetical,
sustainable and ecological goals in managing parks,
woodlands and other urban nature areas.
To operate with forest management practices.
To take benefit of natural processes in the management.
To be able to analyse a specific unit (forest, woodland, park ect.), appraise its future development, and suggest appropriate design and management interventions to guide the establish of new or guide existing elements in the desired direction.
To apply an academic perspective to design by management of nature, woodlands and urban landscapes where qualities in all stages of development are explored, with the main emphasis on trees, forests and forest landscapes.
A combination of lectures, excursions, field exercises and project work in groups
List of literature, reference projects and other teaching material will be accessible through the course homepage
Academic qualifications equivalent to a BSc degree is recommended.
- 15 ECTS
- Type of assessment
Oral examination, 20 minWritten assignment
- Type of assessment details
- The student draws a question in relation to the course Syllabus
and is given 20 min preparation time.
The first part of the exam focuses on the drawn question and the second part of exam focuses on the written assignment (project works). A combined grade is given after the oral exam. The written assignment has to be handed in prior to the exam week.
Submission of project report prepared in groups, and statement of Group Work indicating each group participant has contributed to the report. This document should be signed by all group members in order to be valid for the examination. - Aid
- All aids allowed
- Marking scale
- 7-point grading scale
- Censorship form
- External censorship
- Re-exam
Identical to the ordinary examination form. The written assignemnt has to be handed in prior to the re-examination week.
Criteria for exam assessment
See learning outcome.
Single subject courses (day)
- Category
- Hours
- Lectures
- 30
- Preparation
- 262
- Practical exercises
- 120
- English
- 412
- Language
- English
- Course number
- LFKK10390U
- 15 ECTS
- Programme level
- Full Degree Master
- Duration
1 block
- Placement
- Block 1
- Schedulegroup
A And C
- Capacity
- 45
The number of places might be reduced if you register in the late-registration period (BSc and MSc) or as a credit or single subject student. - Studyboard
- Study Board of Geosciences and Management
Contracting department
- Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Science
Course Coordinators
- Erik Dahl Kjær (3-67666d426b6970306d7730666d)
- Anna Aslaug Mortensdottir Lund (3-63636e426b6970306d7730666d)
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