Individualised study unit

Course content

The course description covers an independent research study, report or similar in Pharmaceutical Sciences. The description may be used in connection with:

  • master programme elective modules
  • a scholarship
  • an internship or similar in a pharmaceutical company or at a university in  Denmark or abroad.
  • a project in startup.
  • a project course for students from Denmark and abroad who are not enrolled in programmes at the Faculty but who carry out project with supervisors from one of the participating departments.


When enrolling for the course module, and before it starts, students must consult a supervisor regarding the details of their particular course, and prepare detailed descriptions of the following:

  • the course title
  • the academic content of the course
  • the objective of the course
  • the number of ECTS credits the course carries
  • supplementary learning outcomes with specific academic goals related to the specific project
  • supplementary grades related to the specific project and the specific academic goals listed
  • language (the course may be undertaken in Danish or English. If it is undertaken in English any concluding exam must also be in English)
  • exam type
  • grading (i.e. pass/fail, or the seven-point scale)

MSc Programme in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences (Danish programmes cand.pharm and cand.scient.pharm) - elective

MSc Programme in Medicinal Chemistry - elective

MSc Programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences (English programme) - elective

Learning outcome

The purpose of the course module is to give students the opportunity to organise and complete an individual programme of studies governed by academic and personal interests, in collaboration with a supervisor. The module can be undertaken in Denmark or abroad.

At the end of the course, students should be able to:


  • account for a high level of scientific insight and knowledge in a selected field in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • Discuss issues related to the chosen subject



  • structure, perform and communicate a scientific project in Pharmaceutical Sciences applying adequate theories, methodologies and tools.
  • evaluate and independently discuss other people's research related to  own investigations



  • independently take responsibility to organize and carry out a scientific project in Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • independently take responsibility to develop further and specialized knowledge and skills related to selected field in Pharmaceutical Sciences

To be agreed by the student and supervisor.

The student(s) and supervisor decide the student workload of the course. The duration of the course depends on the number of ECTS points. The course unit is offered in 5, 7.5, 15, 22.5 and 30 ECTS credit points (1 ECTS point equals a student workload of 27.5 hours).

The student(s) and supervisor determine how to assess student performance. This may be on a pass/fail basis or according to the seven point grading scale.

The course can be taken both in danish and in english.

Type of assessment
Type of assessment details
The student (s) and supervisor determine the assessment details. It may consist of a written report, a poster, a talk, an oral exam or similar. The assessment will be adjusted according to the chosen workload.
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Supervisor without external examiner.
Criteria for exam assessment

To achieve the grade 12 the student must be able to:


  • account for a high level of scientific insight and knowledge in a selected field in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • Discuss issues related to the chosen subject



  • structure, perform and communicate a scientific project in Pharmaceutical Sciences applying adequate theories, methodologies and tools.
  • evaluate and independently discuss other people's research related to  own investigations



  • independently take responsibility to organize and carry out a scientific project in Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • independently take responsibility to develop further and specialized knowledge and skills related to selected field in Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Category
  • Hours
  • Project work
  • 824
  • English
  • 824


Course number
Programme level
Full Degree Master
The duration of the course depends on the number of ECTS points. The course unit is offered in 5, 7.5, 15, 22.5 and 30 ECTS credit points (1 ECTS point equals a student workload of 27.5 hours). The duration is arranged by the student(s) and supervisor.
Block 2
Block 1-2
Block 3
Block 3-4
The course can be taken any time of year according to the agreement with the project supervisor.
1 or more
Study Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Contracting department
  • Department of Pharmacy
  • Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology
Contracting faculty
  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Course Coordinator
  • Osman Asghar Mirza   (2-7e7c4f82847d733d7a843d737a)
Scientific staff at the level of assistant professor, associate professor, or professor may serve as supervisors according to Faculty guidelines for supervision
Saved on the 27-08-2024

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