Fri subject- Global critical data studies
Course content
As data practices become increasingly central to how we live, work, and relate to one another across the globe, we need new tools to understand their profound impact on society. Data practices are never simply neutral, objective, independent, or raw representations of the world but are situated, contingent, relational, contextual, and do active work in the world. This course invites students to explore fundamental questions about data's role in contemporary life: How are data systems shaped by their social, historical, and geographical contexts across different regions and cultures? How do algorithmic systems reproduce or challenge existing global power relations? What happens when data infrastructures actively shape rather than merely represent social reality across cultural contexts? How do different communities around the world experience, resist, and transform data practices?
This introductory course provides a comprehensive overview of critical data studies, examining how data assemblages produce, circulate, and utilize information in ways that actively shape how our world is known, governed, and lived in. Through engaging seminars and hands-on workshops, students explore key areas including transnational data governance, global political economies of data, digital sovereignty, rights and justice, and cultural practices. We investigate how data infrastructures transform institutional power across borders, shape global markets and labor relations, and influence identity and expression across diverse cultural contexts and epistemic traditions.
The course welcomes students from all disciplines who seek to understand and situate data practices. By the course's end, participants will understand how to critically analyze data regimes in their social, political, and historical contexts, while gaining crucial insights into the possibilities for more ethical, equitable and progressive data practices.
The course alternates between lectures, methods labs,
discussions and group work.
For information on Exam provisions, Syllabus and Academic targets,
see ‘Eventuelle bemærkninger’ below)
Course literature is in English. There will be links to or PDF of the texts in question in the Absalon space.
Examples of relevant literature:
Kitchin, R. (2022). The data revolution: Big data, open data, data infrastructures and their consequences. 2nd Edition. Sage.
Johns, Fleur (2024) #Help: Digital Humanitarianism and the Remaking of International Order. Oxford University Press.
Anwar, Amir & Mark Graham (2022) The Digital Continent: Placing Africa in Planetary Networks of Work. Oxford University Press.
Høyer, Klaus (2023) Data Paradoxes: The Politics of Intensified Data Sourcing in Contemporary Healthcare. MIT Press.
Madianou, M. (2024). Technocolonialism: When Technology for Good is Harmful. John Wiley & Sons.
Beaulieu, A., & Leonelli, S. (2021). Data and society: A critical introduction. Sage.
Exchange students: apply for
courses in Mobility Online. Questions regarding course registration
should be directed
International fee-paying guest students: visit on how to sign up for courses.
- 15 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- Exam registration requirements
IKK BA enkeltstående tilvalg
- Fagstudieordning for enkeltstående bachelortilvalg på Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, 2019
IKK KA eknkeltstående tilvalg
- Fagstudieordning for enkeltstående kandidattilvalg på Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab 2019
- Category
- Hours
- Lectures
- 56
- Preparation
- 283
- Guidance
- 1
- Exam
- 80
- English
- 420
- Language
- English
- Course number
- HKUK13003U
- 15 ECTS
- Programme level
- Full Degree Master
Bachelor choiceFull Degree Master choice
- Duration
1 semester
- Placement
- Spring
- Schedulegroup
Fall Semester 2025
- Studyboard
- Study board of Arts and Cultural Studies
Contracting department
- Department of Arts and Cultural Studies
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Humanities
Course Coordinator
- Frederik Schade (4-768283735078857d3e7b853e747b)
Frederik Schade and Esmee Dylan Colbourne
Are you BA- or KA-student?
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