KL. ARK. Periodekursus 2 - Klassisk-Hellenistisk tid


Periodekursus 2 giver den studerende indblik i det klassisk-hellenistiske Grækenlands arkæologi i perioden fra ca. 480 til ca. 146 f.v.t. med udstik til Lilleasien, Magna Graecia, Sicilien og Etrurien. Perioden er præget af den tætte kontakt og konflikt med Perserriget. Set i lyset af Athen som traditionel kulturel og politisk stormagt (og dermed forløber for de hellenistiske kongeriger) diskuteres en række konkrete monumenttyper som landskaber, byer, helligdomme, templer, grave, teatre, agorai, huse, skulptur, portrætter, mønter og keramik. Kurset giver indsigt i hvilken rolle den materielle kultur spiller for udviklingen og formidlingen af hellensk identitet delvist i klassisk tid domineret af forbund af poleis og delvist i hellenistisk tid domineret af store kongeriger. Da kurset baseres på arkæologisk materiale, må de studerende, for at få det fulde udbytte, have en basal viden om græsk historie og religion.

Engelsk titel

KL. ARK. Period 2 - The Classical and Hellenistic period

Holdundervisning, forelæsninger, øvelser, ekskursioner

Amann, P., Kap. 59. Society, 450-250 BCE (Late Classical and Hellenistic periods), i: A. Naso (red.), Etruscology, Boston/Berlin 2017, 1101-1115.

Ambrosini, L., Kap. 58. Handicraft, 450-250 BCE, i: A. Naso (red.), Etruscology. Boston/Berlin 2017, 1079-1100

Arrington, N.T., Topographic semantics: the location of the Athenian public cemetery and its significance for the nascent democracy, Hesperia 79, 2010, 499-539.

Barringer, J., Olympia. A Cultural History, 104-204.

Camp, J., The Athenian Agora, London 1986, 61-180.

Camp, J., The Archaeology of Athens, New Haven-London 2001, 59-160.

Dillon, S., Kap 7. Honorific Portraiture, i: O. Palagia (red.), Handbook of Greek sculpture, Berlin 2019, 163-193.

Hall, J.M., Artefact and Artifice. Classical Archaeology and the Ancient Historian, Chicago-London 2014, 97-117.

Hallett, C.H., The Origins of the Classical Style in Sculpture, JHS 106, 1986, 71-84.

Haumesser, L. Kap. 36. Hellenism in Central Italy, i: A. Naso (red.), Etruscology, Boston/Berlin 2017, 645-664

Hayes, J., Fine Wares in the Hellenistic World, i: T. Rasmussen & N. Spivey (red.), Looking at Greek Vases, Cambridge 1991, 183-202.

Haynes, S., Etruscan Civilization. A Cultural History, Los Angeles 2000, 261-325

Hemelrijk, J.M., A closer look at the potters, i: T. Rasmussen & N. Spivey (red.), Looking at Greek Vases, Cambridge 1991, 233-256.

Hurwit, J.M., The Athenian Acropolis. Cambridge 1999, 138-260.

Knigge, U., The Athenian Kerameikos. History – Monuments – Excavations, Athen 1988, relevante sider ca. 50%.

Lawrence, A.W., Greek Architecture (revised with additions by R.A. Tomlinson), New Haven-London 1996, 90-105, 125-215.

Mee, C., Greek archaeology: A thematic approach, Chichester 2011, 31-40, 58-66, 88-104, 145-149, 157-163, 245-252, 286-295.

Miller, S.G., Kap. 20. Hellenistic Royal Palaces, i: M. Miles (red.), A companion to Greek Architecture, Hoboken 2016, 288-299.

Nevett, L. The Organisation of Space in Classical and Hellenistic Houses from Mainland Greece and the Western Colonies, i: N. Spencer (red.), Time, Tradition and Society in Greek Archaeology, London - New York 1995, 89-108.

Nielsen, M., Binding Etruria together through Marriage alliances: La donna è mobile, i: M. Moltesen & A. Rathje (red.), Approaches to Ancient Etruria, (Acta Hyperborea 16). København 2022, 327-350.

Oakley, J., Greek Vase Painting, AJA 113, 2009, 599-627.

Pedley, J.G., Sanctuaries and the sacred in the ancient Greek World, Cambridge 2005, 39-77.

Plovdrup, S.H., Facing problems of Etruscan portraiture, i: M. Moltesen & A. Rathje (red.), Approaches to Ancient Etruria, (Acta Hyperborea 16). København 2022, 351-372

Pollitt, J.J., Art in the Hellenistic Age, Cambridge 1986, 1-263.

Rathje, A., Self representation and Identity-creating by an Etruscan family. The use of the past in the François tomb at Vulci, i: B. Alroth & C. Scheffer (red.), Attitudes toward the Past - Creating Identities? Proceedings of an International Conference held at Stockholm University 2009 (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis 14), Stockholm 2014, 55-65.

Robertson, M., The Art of Vase-painting in Classical Athens, Cambridge 1992, 133-296.

Robinson, B.A., Kap. 17. Urban planning and infrastrukture, i: M. Miles (red.), A companion to Greek Architecture, Hoboken 2016, 241-253.

Snodgrass, A., The Classical Greek Cemetery. A Barometer of Citizenship? i: S. Owen & L. Preston (red.), Inside the City in the Greek World. Studies of Urbanism from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Period, Oxford 2009, 99-107.

Spivey, N., Understanding Greek Sculpture. Ancient Meanings, Modern Readings, London 1996, 123-151, 172-186.

Stewart, A., Greek Sculpture. An Exploration, New Haven - London 1991, 131-233, 251-310.

Tsakirgis, B., Kap.19. The Architecture of Greek Houses, i: M. Miles (red.), A Companion to Greek Architecture, Hoboken 2016, 273-287.

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