English - Literature, History and Culture (KASF)

Course content

The aim of this module is to encourage you to think transnationally and intertextually about literature and to explore the relationship between politics, societies and cultures within twentieth and twenty-first century history. It consists of two overlapping and interconnected parts (outlined below). One part is concerned with theoretically informed literary analyses, while the second part is concerned with contemporary and global historical issues.


The literature part of the module invites you to engage in more detail in transnational, global and transcultural approaches to Anglophone literatures and stages literary texts of a variety of genres in intertextual dialogue and with the broad historical themes considered later on in the semester. This module works across geographical locations and time periods and brings in general theories from the theoretical foundation of humanistic study, such as epistemology, hermeneutics, discourse, representation, authority and reception. Apart from the theoretical foundation of humanistic study, this part also employs literary theories and conceptualisations, such as race, ethnicity or diaspora, as well as broader theoretical perspectives on literature, such as literature and migration and literature as world making activity. Our discussions will help you develop a critical and contextual platform that will inform your engagement with Anglophone texts, in particular American and postcolonial ones. The second part of the course considers historical and contemporary themes – which deal with relationships between politics, societies and cultures.  Our case studies will consider transnational histories and networks across the English speaking World. Our critical focus is the varied processes of convergence, difference and hybridisation which constitute ‘globalisation’. The course also questions the meanings and usefulness of the term. In addition, the course uses ‘globalisation’ as a case study to investigate varieties of historical methodology and research approaches to the past. Topics may include the Atlantic World, global migration systems, the 1968 youth revolutions, and twenty-first century challenges to cosmopolitanism and regionalism. You will complete the history part of the module with a short oral seminar presentation on a historical topic.


This course also adds to your digital literacy skills, especially digital analysis and methodology. You will be introduced to different datasets and explore various digital tools to analyse the information. You will also reflect on how different academic disciplines use digital data and methods. Core to these skills is for students to reflect on how we analyse and communicate (visualise and textual) data and the strengths and challenges it presents.



Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Type of assessment
Criteria for exam assessment

Single subject courses (day)

  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 56
  • Preparation
  • 353,5
  • English
  • 409,5


Course number
Programme level
Full Degree Master
Master’s minor subject

1 semester


Dette er et dagkursus via tompladsordningen mod betaling på Åbent Universitet. Tilmeld dig og se aktuel prisoversigt på  denne side.

See link to schedule
If there are more registrations than places, the places are allocated by random draw.
Study board of English, Germanic and Romance Studies
Contracting department
  • Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies
Contracting faculty
  • Faculty of Humanities
Course Coordinator
  • Joseph Goddard   (7-6a726767647567436b7870316e7831676e)
Saved on the 31-10-2024

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