English - Grammar and Translation (KASF)
Course content
Drawing on the grammar and translation course elements from the BASF course Language 2Phonetics, grammar and translation, this module addresses a range of grammatical phenomena in the English language from different perspectives and covers professional translation practices as well as advanced translation theory. Furthermore, you are introduced to a number of areas within linguistics (i.e. the academic study of language). Both courses will enable you to critically assess texts through identification and description of foreign-language interference and other errors. The module is divided into two courses: Grammar and Translation. These courses will run more or less in parallel through the semester.
The goal of the Grammar course is to enable students to functionally and structurally analyse and describe a range of grammatical categories. Moreover, students will be able to account for the communicative functions of grammatical units and other linguistic phenomena in instances of actual use in analogue and digital contexts. The course also aims to strengthen students' contrastive knowledge of grammatical differences between English and Danish so as to identify and describe grammatical (and other linguistic) problems in English texts composed by Danish learners. Lastly, this portion of the course also covers a range of different perspectives on the English language within the field of linguistics.
In the Translation course, you will learn about the role of translation in a globalised world. You will become familiar with digital methods, translation strategies and advanced translation theory. You will learn how to combine translation theory and translation technologies to create idiomatically and stylistically adequate and acceptable translations. You will also improve your ability to carry out translation critique by applying relevant and current translation theory. This course will enable you to use monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, digital resources and translation technologies critically and appropriately to the successful creation and production of human translations and machine-aided translations between Danish and English.
Lectures and class instruction. The module is taught as a combination of plenary lectures and seminar workshops, and students are also required to prepare work at home.
Exchange students: apply for courses in Mobility Online. Questions regarding course registration should be directed to visitingstudents@hum.ku.dk .
International fee-paying guest students: visithttps://humanities.ku.dk/education/guest/ on how to sign up for courses.
Sign up for international students:
Proof of English proficiency is required if you want to take this course. Find the requirements here: https://studies.ku.dk/study-abroad/erasmus/course-information/proof-of-english-proficiency/
- 15 ECTS
- Type of assessment
Criteria for exam assessment
Single subject courses (day)
- Category
- Hours
- Lectures
- 28
- Class Instruction
- 56
- Preparation
- 325,5
- English
- 409,5
- Language
- English
- Course number
- HENK03441U
- 15 ECTS
- Programme level
- Full Degree Master
Master’s minor subject
- Duration
1 semester
- Placement
- Autumn
- Price
Dette er et dagkursus via tompladsordningen mod betaling på Åbent Universitet. Tilmeld dig og se aktuel prisoversigt på denne side.
- Schedulegroup
See link to schedule
- Studyboard
- Study board of English, Germanic and Romance Studies
Contracting department
- Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Humanities
Course Coordinator
- Anna Bothe Jespersen (3-63646c426a776f306d7730666d)
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