Experimental Methods 3
Course content
The course focuses on design of cognitive neuroscientific experiments including development of own experimental designs. The student will use linear algebra and advanced statistical analyses when analyzing and interpreting data.
Bacheloruddannelsen i Kognitions- og datavidenskab.
On completion of the course, students should be able to:
• describe different forms of experimental design in cognitive neuroscience using advanced methods of measurement, such as brain imaging and electrophysiology.
• provide reasons for choosing experimental designs in cognitive neuroscience.
• describe advanced methods of analysis (including calculating with matrices) of own experimental data from experiments using methods such as brain imaging and electrophysiology.
• design, programme, and conduct cognitive and neuroscientific experiments using specialized software packages, programming languages, and data bases.
• conduct advanced analyses of data from own cognitive neuroscientific experiments in light of relevant experimental literature.
• use and integrate methodological tools from a variety of disciplines.
• interpret results of own cognitive neuroscientific experiments in light of chosen design, statistical methods of analysis, and relevant literature.
• identify and evaluating possible sources of error in own cognitive neuroscientific experimental data and results.
• develop own experimental cognitive neuroscientific projects in groups.
• manage an interdisciplinary working process and project.
The classes consist of seminar classes and work in groups.
200 standard pages of compulsory literature and 500 standard pages of self-selected literature.
• Avanceret kognitionspsykologi
• Biologisk psykologi og neuropsykologi
• Eksperimentel metode 1 og 2
• Sandsynlighedsregning og statistik
• Programmering og problemløsning
The student is automatically signed up.
- 7,5 ECTS
- Type of assessment
Oral examination
- Type of assessment details
- The oral exam is without preparation and with a written exam paper made in groups. Each student’s contribution(s) to a written group exam paper must always be clearly indicated in the assignment. Group regulations: In groups of 2-3 students. The exam will only be completed individually if there is such a large drop-out rate in the group that only one student from the group submits the exam paper or shows up for the oral exam. If so, the oral exam time is approx. 30 min. Extent: The written exam paper is an experiment rapport with a maximum of 10 standard pages made by the group. It must be handed-in at the end of the course. The oral exam time for groups of 2 students is approx. 40 minutes including approx. 10 minutes voting and feedback. The oral exam time for groups of 3 students is approx. 50 minutes including approx. 10 minutes voting and feedback.
- Exam registration requirements
To qualify for the exam the student must have approved participation in 75 % of the classes.
- Aid
- Without aids
- Marking scale
- 7-point grading scale
- Censorship form
- External censorship
The written product weighs approximately ½ in the
assessment. - Re-exam
Examination language: The exam can be held in Danish if the student so wishes.
Type of assessment: Oral exam.
Type of assessment details:
The oral exam is without preparation with a written product made individually. The student must write a new rapport from a handed-out dataset. Group regulations: The exam can only be taken as an individual exam. Extent: The written exam paper is a revised experiment rapport with a maximum of 10 standard pages made individually. The student is given one week to write the paper. The oral exam time is approx. 30 minutes including approx. 10 minutes voting and feedback.
Exam aids: No aids allowed.
Marking scale: 7-point grading scale. The written rapport weighs approximately ½ in the assessment.
Censorship form: External censorship
Criteria for exam assessment
Please see the learning outcome.
- Category
- Hours
- Class Instruction
- 21
- Preparation
- 185
- English
- 206
- Language
- English
- Course number
- APSB23606U
- 7,5 ECTS
- Programme level
- Bachelor
- Duration
1 semester
- Placement
- Block 3 And Block 4
- Studyboard
- Department of Psychology, Study Council
Contracting department
- Department of Psychology
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Social Sciences
Course Coordinator
- Mark Schram Christensen (5-746879726a47777a8035727c356b72)
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